I wonder if your ZN atom name is in the correct position re PDB conventions
It needs to be moved one place to the Left relative to C N O etc..
And if you have the ATOMid in columns 79/80 that also must be correctly positioned..
Some buglets are fixed immediately if you simply use
pdbset xyzin now.pdb xyzout now-fixed.pdb

But probably not a shift of atom name..

Vellieux Frederic wrote:
Dear all,

I have a structure (2.25 A resolution) that was refined with CNS and I'm trying to see if I can improve it ever so slightly using Refmac5.

The structure has 31408 atoms in the asymmetric unit.

The run of Refmac ends with the following lines:

WARNING : link:SS       is found dist =     2.063 ideal_dist=     2.031
ch:LL res:3872 CYS at:SG .->LL res:3873 CYS at:SG .
INFO:     link is found (not be used) dist=   2.142 ideal_dist=   1.990
ch:LL res:3813 ASP at:OD2 .->ch:Nv res:3995 ZN at:ZN .
INFO:     link is found (not be used) dist=   2.188 ideal_dist=   1.990
ch:LL res:3846 GLU at:OE2 .->ch:Nv res:3995 ZN at:ZN .
INFO:     link is found (not be used) dist=   2.317 ideal_dist=   2.070
ch:LL res:3947 HIS at:NE2 .->ch:Nv res:3995 ZN at:ZN .
INFO:     link is found (not be used) dist=   2.259 ideal_dist=   2.070
ch:LL res:3702 HIS at:NE2 .->ch:Nw res:3996 ZN at:ZN .
INFO:     link is found (not be used) dist=   2.180 ideal_dist=   1.990
ch:LL res:3813 ASP at:OD1 .->ch:Nw res:3996 ZN at:ZN .
INFO:     link is found (not be used) dist=   2.177 ideal_dist=   1.990
ch:LL res:3868 ASP at:OD1 .->ch:Nw res:3996 ZN at:ZN .
Refmac_5.1.24:   No match for full atom ID - subtract one character
Times: User:      47.5s System:    0.1s Elapsed:    0:48

It ends without creating an output PDB file. I can't see one in the working directory. The last sentence is very cryptic to me (No match for full atom ID - subtract one character).

Any idea?

Thank you in advance,


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