
Thanks to all for kind replies

I got my output using PHENIX

phenix.xtriage filename.sca residues=no.of residues

and again thanks Peter Zwart

On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 12:57 PM, Pankaj Chauhan <pankajimt...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi ,
> In one of my 60mer structure at 3.5 A, , when I run methews in ccp4i, it
> doesn't show number of molecules in asymmetry above 40,  is there any other
> program which can show all the molecules in assymetric unit.
> Second problem, for validation of 60mer, i was willing to use  Procheck
> which gives residues in allowed region, additional allowed region,
> generously allowed region and disallowed region in ramachandran plot. But
> procheck is not giving any output here in 60mer. Although i could validate
> the structure using coot and phenix, but they dont give residues in
> generously allowed region.
> KIndly give some suggestion and help,
> Regards,
> --
> Pankaj Chauhan
> Senior Research Fellow, PhD Scholar
> Crystallography Laboratory
> Division of Protein Science & Engg.
> IMTECH , Chandigarh, INDIA

Pankaj Chauhan
Senior Research Fellow, PhD Scholar
Crystallography Laboratory
Division of Protein Science & Engg.
IMTECH , Chandigarh, INDIA

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