Hi Martyn,

When it comes to micro-dialysis, you could check the following paper:

(freely available, check in particular the appendix for the micro-dialysis setup that was used, that was for heat-labile enterotoxin)


PS I know this is not exactly answering your question but still you might find this setup useful

Thanks to those who replied.

The humour comes of course from a slight feeling that there is
some truth in the 'respectful' version. Proteins are wonderful subtle
machines so perhaps we should be careful and thoughtful when we expose them to 
horrors of most crystallization conditions!

Which takes me to the original point of my search - which was for a dialysis 
method for lysozyme. I was trying to set up a micro dialysis format for my 
protein but wanted to test it first.  I am using spectrapore 8K dialysis 
membrane and wondered if that would retain lysozyme enough to get crystals (I'd 
like to stick with this cut-off as the physical and sealing properties of other 
membranes might be different). Or if someone has a higher MW cheap alternative 

Best wishes - agus 'Bliadhna Mhath Ur Dhuibh Uile' as we say in gaelic.
Martyn Symmons

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