Dear all,

I do have a question about comparing Rfree and Rwork factors of different 
refinement trials whereas I always started with the same pdb file and structure 
factors (phasing by MR).
Means I had a protein structure which was (not just by me) refined several 
times in different ways also with different programs and also accordingly got 
different R factors for each finally refined structure. 
Could anyone suggest if there is something like a "standard run" which makes 
all these R factors (or "derivatives" since this run should change the R 
factors) better comparable? 
(E.g. it did not work for me to do a 1 cycle rigid body refinement in refmac 
hoping that the R factors are measured well and the structure does not change 
much. In fact, the R factors increased dramatically, lets say Rfree from 30% to 

Many thanks for your suggestions!

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