I like the fact that MVE's plastic shipping cases have a round top, so Fedex can't ship the container upside down.

However, I like Taylor-Wharton's wide mouth 91mm (CXR100) vs MVE's 70mm(SC 4/2V). Unfortunately Taylor-Wharton's recommended shippers are square and could be sent upside down. Granted I normally invert my containers upside down to empty it for shipping, I'm sure the vibrations of shipping it upside down will dislodge a few vials.

Anyone know which MVE plastic shipping case will fit Taylor-Wharton's CXR100 so that I don't have to resort to cutting my own foam?


[even more off topic]
BTW, with regards to the subject line, it's in reference to the movie 10 things I hate about you a great laugh if you're 16 or 40.
[/even more off topic]
Francis Reyes M.Sc.
215 UCB
University of Colorado at Boulder

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