Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology


Applications are invited for a PhD scholarship in Prof. Rossjohn’s lab.
The project is within the immunity group and will be focused on Natural
Killer T-cell receptor recognition of glycolipid antigens and will involve
molecular biology, protein expression and purification, structural and
cellular immunology techniques. The successful applicant will join a group
of researchers with a proven international track record in the field of
immunology and structural biology (eg see Borg et al, Nature 2007; Pellicci
et al., Immunity 2009).
The scholarship is for 3 years, at a stipend equivalent to Australian
Postgraduate Award rates. Applicants should have a science degree, ideally
with first class honours (or H1 equivalent). 
Please direct all enquires to Susan Reynolds
(; tel: (613) 9902 9252

Attachment: PhD 2010_advert_jr.doc
Description: MS-Word document

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