Dear Colleagues,

I am very grateful to everyone who contributed to the discussion regarding 
phasing statistics that I initiated. I certainly found it very informative. 
Below is a summary of the technical responses that I regarding this problem.

1) Use some of the statistics that SHELXD and SHELXE do provide (e.g. CC/CCfree 
for SHELXD, CCfree and connectivity for SHELXE). These could be compared to 
statistics produced for well determined structures (e.g. see Debreczeni et al. 
2003 Acta Cryst. D., D59, 688-696).

2) Take the results from SHELX and put them into SHARP to generate the 

3) Take the results from SHELX and put them into phaser_er, CRANK, or MLPHARE 
(perhaps with more difficulty) to generate the statistics.

Thanks to Rick Lewis, Boaz Shaanan, Ed Lowe and Eleanor Dodson for suggestions.


Nic Harmer

[For anyone interested, I took approaches 1 and 2. I got a good figures for 
phasing power from SHARP (somehow I failed to find the Rcullis, never mind), 
quoted the FOM at the end of SHELX, and the values for CC/CCfree from SHELXD, 
and the map contrast in the original and inverted hands from SHELXE. These all 
looked quite convincing, so hopefully my referees will be happy.]

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