(What is in the Hollywood district other than tourists looking for "Hollywood"?)

I have a silly anecdote that does not answer Harry's question:

It must have been 1995 or 1996, the Beckman sales representative appeared at my desk on a Friday afternoon without an appointment, but carrying a bribe. The second Jurassic Park movie was going into production, and the movie company had asked her to order a room full of laboratory equipment so that the wet lab scenes would look credible to a scientist viewer. As always, once production starts, everything has to happen NOW, so the Beckman sales rep needed to borrow my VWR catalog over the weekend. That's what the bribe was for.

For completeness, here's my financial involvement disclosure: I accepted the bribe, which was a pastry, and I ate it. Despite the 10 HBO channels in my apartment, I never saw the entire Jurassic Park 2 movie, so I don't know if the wet lab scenes were retained.

That's completely off-topic,

harry powell wrote:

Not a question about films for recording X-rays on, but a question about films about X-rays, Crystallography and related subjects!

I was wondering what ccp4bbers favourite movies involving real science, especially crystallography might be? If they're from Hollywood, though, I'd guess it should be "favorite"...

I'm a little tired, but the only one I can think of at the moment is actually based on results from fibre diffraction - "Life Story", with Jeff Goldblum. There must be others, though.

Dr Harry Powell,
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology,
Hills Road,

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