A postdoctoral fellow/research associate position is available immediately
in the laboratory of Dr. Zhang at the University of Pittsburgh for up to 4
years funded by an NIH grant.  The research project focuses on structural
characterization of HIV-1 antivirals in complex with HIV-1 capsid
assemblies (Byeon et. al 2009, Cell, 139, 780-790) using cryo-electron
microscopy (cryoEM) and cryo-electron tomography. The successful
candidates will learn and be expected to responsible for the following:

* High resolution imaging using cryoEM
* Image processing and 3D reconstruction
* Structural analysis and molecular modeling
* Publishing research papers and reports

Motivated candidates with strong interest in cryoEM and solid background
in biophysics/physics or material sciences and engineering are all
encouraged to apply.  Research experience in HRTEM, cryoEM and image
processing is plus.  Interested candidates should send an application,
including a CV, areas of expertise and interests, publications list, and
names and contact information for 3 references to Dr. Peijun Zhang at

Our laboratory is within the Dept. of Structural Biology, fully equipped
for all aspects of molecular biology and protein biochemistry and
state-of-the-art electron microscopes, including a FEI Polara 300kv FEG
with liquid helium specimen stage and a TF20 FEG, both with
high-resolution 4kx4k CCD cameras, a T12spirit with 2kx2k camera, and FEI
vitrobot for cryoEM specimen preparation.  The laboratory also has access
to the protein expression and purification facilities, state-of-the-art
NMR spectrometers and X-ray crystallography instrumentation, imaging and
computing resources within the department. For more details about our
research program, please refer to our website:

Pittsburgh is an excellent working and living environment for individuals
or families, and a competitive stipend package will be provided. 
Necessary visa application materials will be provided for foreign

Peijun Zhang, PhD
Dept. of Structural Biology
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
3501 5th Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15260
(412)383-5907 (phone)
(412)648-9008 (fax)

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