On Tue, 2010-06-01 at 15:21 +0200, Christian Engel wrote:
> Dear All,
> I am looking for a ccp4 program that reads in cif-files and converts
> them into pdb-files, including the CRYST1 card. Can anybody suggest a
> solution? I didn't find any in ccp4i, e.g. the coordinate utilities.
> I also tried COOT to read in cif-files (downloaded from the pdb
> server). For one example it crashed, for others it doesn't colour the
> bonds properly if "Bonds (Colour by Atom)"  is chosen but shows
> all bonds in one colour. Is that a known feature? If I save these
> coordinates in pdb-format and try to read it back, I get an ERROR
> saying: "Wrong ASCII format of an integer". 
> Thanks for any suggestions
> Christian Engel
>         Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards / Cordialement 
>         Dr. Christian Engel 
>         Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH
>         R&D CAS Structural Biology FFM
>         Industriepark Hoechst
>         Bldg. G877, Room 020
>         D-65926 Frankfurt am Main
>         t: +49 69 305 12946
>         f: +49 69 305 80169
>         125 Jahre Arzneimittel aus Deutschland von sanofi-aventis
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>         Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH ·  Sitz der Gesellschaft:
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>         Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Hanspeter Spek -
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Edwin Pozharski, PhD, Assistant Professor
University of Maryland, Baltimore
When the Way is forgotten duty and justice appear;
Then knowledge and wisdom are born along with hypocrisy.
When harmonious relationships dissolve then respect and devotion arise;
When a nation falls to chaos then loyalty and patriotism are born.
------------------------------   / Lao Tse /

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