Dear all

Thanks for your replies.  And thanks to all those who noticed that I had
posted wrong unit cell dimensions for P3221 (which I picked from the header
of the template pdb).

My space group is P3221 (unit cell 54.8 54.8 100.1 90 90 120).

Data quality appears fine.  I/sigI=4.9; Rmerge=0.088; Completeness=99.9
(outershell values are: 2.3; 0.333; 99.9 respectively)

As mentioned above, I solved the structure by molecular replacement and
there appears to be no twinning.  There are no major unmodelled densities.
A couple of small blobs are present, which I think may be glycerol or some
other  molecule from my crystallization buffer but I still need to model
these.  Other than that, there are no major issues.  I was just wondering if
the present R-factor values seem alright for a 1.9 ang data, which many of
you have suggested it does?

Thanks again.   Any other suggestions/comments are still welcome.


On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 7:39 AM, atul kumar <>wrote:

> Dear all
> I am trying to solve structure of data set at 1.9 A,r merge 9.3,it belongs
> to space group P3221 unit cell 160.78 157.32 135.62 90.0 90.0 90.0,i has no
> NCS ,i did tls refinement as well but after water addition the r factor and
> r free is stucked at 22 and 25 respectively.suggestions are requested for
> the same.
> regards
> Atul Kumar

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