I agree to this.
What are the actual reasons against attachments?
If one really has a slow network connection and cannot use IMAP instead of POP3
(if I understand correctly, with IMAP one does not need to download the emails
until one actually wants to read them, but I may be wrong here, too), would it
be a compromise to restrict image sizes to e.g. 500kB?

On Fri, Jul 02, 2010 at 01:35:57PM -0400, Douglas Jacobsen wrote:
> My opinion is that attached images in bb posts should be allowed:
>     1) Storage & network bandwidth is cheap
>     2) Attached (even inline) images are convenient to understanding the 
> question/issue at hand
>     3) Emails are very easily deleted
>     4) If images are to be "attached" via web-links, then it may not be  
> possible to refer to them appropriately in the archives if the images  
> are ever removed from the hosting server. - it seems to me that the  
> archive of the bb is an excellent resource, but is diminished if the  
> content can not be maintained centrally.
> -Doug
> On 7/2/2010 11:04 AM, Frances C. Bernstein wrote:
>> Why not put images, maps, or data files on your own web page
>> and then send out a link to that material?  Then the e-mails
>> are small and anyone that wants to see the files has easy
>> access.
>>                         Frances Bernstein
>> =====================================================
>> ****                Bernstein + Sons
>> *   *       Information Systems Consultants
>> ****    5 Brewster Lane, Bellport, NY 11713-2803
>> *   * ***
>> **** *            Frances C. Bernstein
>>   *   ***      f...@bernstein-plus-sons.com
>>  ***     *
>>   *   *** 1-631-286-1339    FAX: 1-631-286-1999
>> =====================================================
>> On Fri, 2 Jul 2010, Tim Gruene wrote:
>>> Maybe this netiquette is a little outdated. Sending a few MB to
>>> thousands of
>>> people is probably not much more than noise compared to current net
>>> traffic.
>>> There is the IMAP protocol which overcomes the problem of modem
>>> connections,
>>> which anyhow probably only affects a very, very small amount of
>>> people nowadays,
>>> and there are plenty of mail user agents which do not have a
>>> paperclip button,
>>> e.g. mutt, pine, etc, which address the very same problem.
>>> It's is a lot easier to show a jpg-image a few kB in size than to
>>> attempt to
>>> describe what you see with words.
>>> Anyhow, the FAQ
>>> (http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html#formats) the
>>> CCP4 netiquette (http://www.ccp4.ac.uk/ccp4bb.php#using) refers to
>>> explicitly
>>> allows MIME attachments, even though I also conside MIME outdated and am
>>> extremely glad I do not need to fiddle with uu-en/de-code anymore.
>>> Again: maybe it's time to update the CCP4 netiquette.
>>> Tim
>>> P.S.: I wonder how much traffic this email will induce ;-)
>>> On Fri, Jul 02, 2010 at 09:33:01AM -0400, Ed Pozharski wrote:
>>>> Several recent posts with decently sized attachments (now in cross eyed
>>>> stereo too!) prompt this (annual?) anti-paperclip-button rant.  Lucky
>>>> for me, I can just recycle the old messages:
>>>> http://www.mail-archive.com/ccp4bb@jiscmail.ac.uk/msg11949.html
>>>> Cheers from the self-appointed thought police,
>>>> Ed.
>>>> --
>>>> "I'd jump in myself, if I weren't so good at whistling."
>>>>                                Julian, King of Lemurs
>>> --
>>> --
>>> Tim Gruene
>>> Institut fuer anorganische Chemie
>>> Tammannstr. 4
>>> D-37077 Goettingen
>>> GPG Key ID = A46BEE1A

Tim Gruene
Institut fuer anorganische Chemie
Tammannstr. 4
D-37077 Goettingen


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