There are many ways to test if the two test sets are identical.  For
example (using CCP4i):

Go to Reflection Data Utilities -> SF file analysis 

and then perform data correlation between your two FreeFlag columns.  If
they are identical, the resulting R-factor should be 0 and correlation
coefficient should be 1.

Or you can use ConvertFromMTZ into your own defined format so that you
get two columns with values.

You can also use sftools to subtract the two columns and see if the
maximum and minimum are both zeros.

etc, etc

On Tue, 2010-08-17 at 16:26 -0700, Jerry McCully wrote:
> Dear All:
>      I am currently using autoBuster to refine my structure. I notice
> that autobuster generates a new column in the MTZ data file with the
> label of "FreeR_flag".
>     Because my MTZ file has already had the FreeRflag, I am wondering
> whether autoBuster generated a new set of Rfreeflags of just renamed
> the existing FreeRflags.
>      Can anyone give some comments?
>      Thanks a lot,
> Jerry

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