Thanks very much for all of the helpful suggestions!  
The most useful solution for us was a python script provided by Ed
Pozharski at the ccp4wiki link below, which reads a .sca file and
produces a table with both <I/sigma> and <I>/<Sigma> for a user-defined
number of shells.
Other suggestions are listed below:
>From Ed Pozharski: ctruncate outputs the table with Mn(F/sd) (which will
be twice Mn(I/sd)) when it does anisotropy analysis
>From Phil Jeffrey: I personally report <I/sig(I)> but wrote my own
program to do it from the .sca files.
>From Paul Smith: I have a perl utility that does much of what you would
like.  It will run scalepack for you iteratively until the number of
rejections converges, or it will parse scalepack output.  The output has
<I/sigI> by shell gleaned from the scale log with the same resolution
bins used in scaling.  The usage for parsing is " -e

>From Wladek Minor: Click report on the top panel and you will get all
relevant statistics that are necessary for publications.

>From Graeme Winter: You can still get this analysis with Scala even
after scaling with scalepack. If you output the measurements unmerged
(no merge original index) you can convert them to MTZ using pointless,
then remerge the data as follows:
scala hkiin from_pointless.mtz hklout merged.mtz << eof run 1 all scales
constant sdcorrection noadjust norefine both 1 0 0 cycles 0 eof
(pointless -c scain ... - you will also need to assign the cell and
This will just remerge the measurements and give you the usual merging
analysis from Scala. Very useful. Same trick also works with data from

From: CCP4 bulletin board [] On Behalf Of
Radisky, Evette S., Ph.D.
Sent: Monday, November 01, 2010 4:18 PM
Subject: [ccp4bb] finding <I/Sigma(I)> from HKL Scalepack

Dear all, 

I have previously used SCALA for data reduction, and in publications and
pdb depositions, reported the "Mn(I/sd)" output from SCALA for the whole
data set and for the highest resolution shell.

We now have some data that has instead been reduced using the HKL suite,
and I am confused about how to find the value that would be equivalent
to Mn(I/sd) from SCALA.  For I/Sigma(I) I've been advised by a colleague
more familiar with HKL to manually calculate from average I divided by
average error (sigma).  As pointed out in a previous ccp4bb thread, this
would give me <I>/<Sigma(I)>, which is not the same as <I/Sigma(I)>.

Two questions: 

(1) Is this <I>/<Sigma(I)> what is generally reported in the literature
for data processed with the HKL suite? 

(2) Since I would also like to know the Mn(I/sd) by shell anyway so that
I can compare to previous data sets, is there a way to extract this
value from the scalepack log, or is there a simple reflection file
analysis utility that could read the .sca or .mtz file to extract this

Thanks for any clarifications or suggestions! 

Evette S. Radisky, Ph.D. 
Assistant Professor 
Mayo Clinic Cancer Center 
Griffin Cancer Research Building, Rm 310 
4500 San Pablo Road 
Jacksonville, FL 32224 
(904) 953-6372 

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