Hi Kenneth,

...1.2A resolution... refinement of individual parameters for a hydrogen
atom... Hm.. Are you refining against neutron diffraction data?

Anyways, to answer your question: technically yes, you can refine individual
parameters of any selected atom(s) against X-ray or neutron data (or both
datasets simultaneously) in PHENIX, no problem.
For more details or any help, please contact me off-list or at PHENIX
mailing list.

Good luck!

On Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 9:18 PM, Kenneth Satyshur <satys...@wisc.edu> wrote:

> Sirs:
> We are attempting to refine hydrogens on a ligand (which is 100 % occupied)
> and
> has ~ 40 heavy atoms (CNO). The data is 1.2 A, 325 AA, 83335 data points in
> C2.
> We have refined aniso and with H riding along (Rf= 17, R = 15) in CCP4. Can
> we individually
> refine the protons on the ligand? Let them run free with the others along
> for the ride?
>  Or will they just run away at this
> resolution? Can CCP4 even do this? Should we switch to Shelx or Phenix?
> It is important to find out what the oxidation state is for the ligand at
> the pH
> we crystallized the protein and complex.
> thanks
> --
> Kenneth A. Satyshur, M.S.,Ph.D.
> Associate Scientist
> University of Wisconsin
> Madison, Wisconsin 53706
> 608-215-5207

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