Hi folks

Most of you won't want to know about this....

It seems that on Ubuntu, there is a difference between the Bourne shell (sh) 
and the "Bourne-again" shell (bash). On most Linuces, the two are synonymous, 
though the iMosflm launch script uses specifically sh syntax rather than using 
the bash extensions.

This error is raised by the shell (sh) when testing the HOSTTYPE environment 
variable, which seems to be defined under bash but not sh. The test is actually 
to see if you're running on an Intel Mac, and is ignored because of the 
"unexpected operator" error - so it should be harmless, since Ubuntu isn't OSX.

If it isn't harmless, please let us know!

On 28 Jan 2011, at 19:44, Andrew T. Torelli wrote:

> To the CCP4bb,
>         I am working on installing the latest version of iMosflm (version 
> 1.0.5) on my computer (running Ubuntu 10.10 (Meerkat).  I've followed the 
> installation instructions at the following link.  I also have CCP4 ver. 6.1 
> and ActiveTcl ver. installed and working (as far as I know) as per 
> the instructions:
> http://www.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/harry/imosflm/ver105/installation.html
>         The only problem I encountered is that I had to correct pointers set 
> up by my CCP4 installation to the CCP4-packaged Tcl/Tk and iMosflm 
> components.  I believe I have corrected those problems and I am able to get 
> iMosflm loaded with no errors *as reported by the program*.  However, after 
> running the iMosflm executable, the following text is produced before the 
> iMosflm GUI is loaded:
> <snip>
> VM%  /usr/local/imosflm1.0.5/src/imosflm
> MOSFLM_EXEC set to /usr/local/imosflm1.0.5/bin/mosflm
> [: 180: =: unexpected operator
> testing MOSFLM_WISH (/usr/local/ActiveTcl8.4.19.3/bin/wish8.4)
> </snip>
>         I can't figure out what is generating this 'unexpected operator' 
> error or how to correct it.  I haven't recognized anything on the internet or 
> in the documentation to help me identify the source of the problem.  Can 
> anyone provide insight on how to trace its origin or what it means? I will 
> also test/confirm the ability to actually process data with the program later 
> tonight, but I'm just puzzled by this error.
> Thanks for your help and insight,
> -Andy
> =====================================
> Andrew T. Torelli, Ph.D.
> Department of Chemistry & Chemical Biology
> Baker Laboratory, Cornell University
> Ithaca, NY 14853-1301
> =====================================

Dr Harry Powell, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, MRC Centre, Hills Road, 
Cambridge, CB2 0QH

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