Deadline in 10 days!!



EMBO 2011 Practical Course - Exploiting Anomalous Scattering in
Macromolecular Structure Determination
ESRF-EMBL, Grenoble, France, 6 - 10 June 2011

The EMBO 2011 Practical Course on Exploiting Anomalous Scattering in
Macromolecular Structure Determination will be hosted by the ESRF in
Grenoble, France from 6 to 10, June 2011. The course aims to impart
the theoretical and practical basis for the 3-dimensional structure
determination of bio-macromolecules using Anomalous Dispersion
techniques (SAD & MAD) to young scientists who intend to apply these
methods in macromolecular crystallography.

Through a series of lectures, software demonstrations, practicals on
the ESRF beamlines and tutorials, participants will get insights into
all aspects of the structure determination process including beamline
instrumentation, data collection and processing, heavy atom
substructure determination, phasing and model building. There will
also be sessions focusing on automated structure solution procedures
and newer methods. Additional sessions will include presentations of
distinguished structures solved with these techniques.

Confirmed invited speakers include:
G. Bunkoczi, A. Cameron, D. Chirgadze, Z. Dauter, P. Evans, M.
Grininger, T. Gruene,
W. Kabsch, S. Panjikar, N. Pannu, A. Popov, H. Powell, L. Sazanov, G.
Sheldrick, T. Terwilliger, C. Vonrhein

The number of participants is limited to 20 and the deadline for
application is February 28th, 2011.
Additional information, course programme and instructions to apply to
the course can be found in the course webpages:

Daniele de Sanctis, PhD

Structural Biology Group
ESRF, Grenoble, France
Tel 33 (0)4 76 88 2869

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