We should compile this discussion and send it as compulsive reading to journal 


On 3/3/11 12:07 PM, "Simon Phillips" <s.e.v.phill...@leeds.ac.uk> wrote:

I take the point about a tendency in those days to apply sigma cutoffs to get 
lower R values, which were erroneously expected to indicate better structures.  
I wonder how many of us remember this paper by Arnberg et al (1979) Acta Cryst 
A35, 497-499, where it is shown for (small molecule) structures that had been 
refined with only reflections I>3*sigma(I) that the models were degraded by 
leaving out weak data (although the R factors looked better of course).

Arnberg et al took published structures and showed the refined models got 
better when the weak data were included.  The best bit, I think, was when they 
went on to demonstrate successful refinement of a structure using ONLY the weak 
data where I<3*sigma(I) and ignoring all the strong ones.  This shows, as was 
alluded to earlier in the discussion, that a weak reflection puts a powerful 
constraint on a refinement, especially if there are other stronger reflections 
in the same resolution range.

| Simon E.V. Phillips                                                     |
| Director, Research Complex at Harwell (RCaH)                            |
| Rutherford Appleton Laboratory                                          |
| Harwell Science and Innovation Campus                                   |
| Didcot                                                                  |
| Oxon OX11 0FA                                                           |
| United Kingdom                                                          |
| Email: simon.phill...@rc-harwell.ac.uk                                  |
| Tel:   +44 (0)1235 567701                                               |
|        +44 (0)1235 567700 (sec)                                         |
|        +44 (0)7884 436011 (mobile)                                      |
| www.rc-harwell.ac.uk                                                    |
| Astbury Centre for Structural Molecular Biology                         |
| Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology                             |
| University of LEEDS                                                     |
| LEEDS LS2 9JT                                                           |
| United Kingdom                                                          |
| Email: s.e.v.phill...@leeds.ac.uk                                       |
| Tel:   +44 (0)113 343 3027                                              |
| WWW:   http://www.astbury.leeds.ac.uk/People/staffpage.php?StaffID=SEVP 
<http://www.astbury.leeds.ac.uk/People/staffpage.php?StaffID=SEVP>  |

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