The only thing you can do is to move the detector in and collect higher resolution. Then you can determine what the I/sigI ratio is for each of your resolution shells and manually set the resolution limit once you run HKL2000. As far as the R/Rfree values go, you will need to manually set the weighting factor if you are using refmac. I have found that during the initial rigid body refinement and the first few rounds of restrained refinement, it works well if you keep the weighting factor low (0.01-0.9), then as you go through a few rounds, gradually increase the weighting factor. But keep in mind that as you increase the weighting factor, the difference between R/Rfree will also increase.

Greg Costakes
PhD Candidate
Department of Structural Biology
Purdue University
Hockmeyer Hall, Room 320
240 S. Martin Jischke Drive, West Lafayette, IN 47907


From: "Mittal, Seema" <>
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2011 5:28 PM
Subject: [ccp4bb] how to remove part of data with bad signal to noise ratio

Hi All,

I am currently working on a 3A resolution dataset. The scaled file shows the following statistics (scroll down to the end of this email). It is P212121 space group with R merge of 8.8%.

My question is : Is there a way to selectively use only the data with I/Sigma value of 2 and more for refinement? And how do i achieve this using refmac? I am aware that this would come at the cost of compromising data completeness. Any suggestions/help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks much,
Seema Mittal
Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Pharmacology
970L Lazare Research Building
University of Massachusetts Medical School
364 Plantation Street
Worcester, MA 01605

    Shell                             I/Sigma in resolution shells:
 Lower    Upper      % of of reflections with I / Sigma less than
limit limit 0 1 2 3 5 10 20 >20 total
 50.00     6.46   2.0   3.8   5.3   6.2    7.6   12.5   34.3   65.0   99.3
6.46 5.13 0.7 2.2 3.9 5.3 8.2 15.7 36.6 63.4 100.0 5.13 4.48 1.3 2.8 4.0 5.8 9.3 13.8 27.3 72.7 100.0 4.48 4.07 0.7 1.7 4.0 5.4 7.9 13.9 35.4 64.1 99.5
  4.07      3.78   1.8   3.6   5.1   6.9   11.8   20.8  49.6   47.3   96.9
  3.78      3.56   1.5   3.8   6.7   8.7   13.3   26.7  65.4   30.8   96.2
  3.56      3.38   0.8   3.2   7.1   8.9   12.9   31.1  76.6   20.0   96.6
  3.38      3.23   2.0   4.8   8.1  14.8  23.4   44.8  84.7   12.7   97.5
  3.23      3.11   4.1   9.2  13.8  18.4  29.6  51.0  86.0   11.0   96.9
  3.11      3.00   2.4   8.6  13.9  18.8  30.6  53.9  92.4    4.5    96.9
All hkl 1.7 4.3 7.1 9.8 15.3 28.0 58.1 39.9 98.0

Shell Lower Upper Average      Average     Norm. Linear Square
limit    Angstrom       I   error   stat. Chi**2  R-fac  R-fac
     50.00   6.46   511.7    20.0     8.8  1.098  0.065  0.073
      6.46   5.13   284.6    10.1     6.3  1.047  0.062  0.064
      5.13   4.48   500.9    17.0     8.8  1.007  0.062  0.069
      4.48   4.07   446.1    17.4     9.2  1.032  0.069  0.070
      4.07   3.78   307.1    14.5     8.4  1.065  0.089  0.092
      3.78   3.56   243.4    13.8     7.9  1.033  0.108  0.112
      3.56   3.38   182.3    12.0     8.3  1.083  0.132  0.134
      3.38   3.23   136.5    10.4     7.7  1.048  0.155  0.151
      3.23   3.11   107.4     9.2     7.3  1.096   0.184  0.163
      3.11   3.00    91.0     8.7     7.3  1.044    0.215  0.201
 All reflections    287.7    13.5     8.0  1.055  0.088  0.082

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