On 25/05/11 21:20, Terry Lang wrote:
Hey Everyone,

          I am having some problems running Probe Clashes on WinCoot.  I
am running phenix.refine to obtain the pdb file and then WinCoot for
manual building.  I have the following installed:

WinCoot (6.0.1), probe (2.12.110413) and reduce (3.14.080821)
REDUCE_HET_DICT points to a valid location for reduce_wwPDB_het_dict.txt

When I ran things originally, I got this error:
"BL WARNING:: reduce didnt run ok, so stop here!"

Some googling got me to this posting:

I manually applied the fix.  As a result, reduce runs without any apparent 
error, but returns 1 which causes the probing process to exit.

Indeed, I recently had occasion to make this fix in the scheme version. It is not clear to me why there is an exit status of 1 - as you say, reduce seems to work properly.

I have also tried modifying generic_objects.py to ignore the error and continue 
with the reduced.pdb file that reduce outputted, I end up getting this

Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "<string>", line 1, in<module>
    File "E:\WinCoot\share\coot\python\generic_objects.py", line 236, in
probe user_mods_gui(imol_probe, reduce_out_pdb_file)
    File "E:\WinCoot\share\coot\python\coot_gui.py", line 4399, in
user_mods_gui no_adj_buttons = make_no_adj_buttons(flips[1])
    File "E:\WinCoot\share\coot\python\coot_gui.py", line 4345, in
make_no_adj_buttons chain_id  = atom_spec[1]
NameError: global name 'atom_spec' is not defined
run_generic_script (probe, 0)

Comment out this:

            # show the GUI for USER MODS
            if using_gui():
              user_mods_gui(imol_probe, reduce_out_pdb_file)

in WinCoot\share\coot\python\generic_objects.py.


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