You might want to have a look at consurf, which maps conservation from an 
alignment onto a structure.
On 23/06/2011, at 6:42 PM, Simon Kolstoe wrote:

> Dear ccp4bb,
> One of my colleagues is interested in how a certain protein differs between 
> species. He's done a blast search, collected all the aligned sequences, and 
> "emailed them to the crystallographer to tell him the implications of the 
> sequence changes". 
> Although I am not at all confident that I can predict any implications based 
> upon sequence differences, I thought I could at least have a try by mapping 
> the different species sequences onto the existing structure and then 
> regularising it just to see what happens (and then perhaps looking at buried 
> surface area, electrostatics, subunit interfaces etc.).
> I know the program chainsaw can mutate the sequence based on an alignment, 
> however I can't stop it pruning non-conserved residues. Does anyone know of 
> another program that I could use to do this step?
> Similarly if anyone knows other software tools/methods I could use to try and 
> work out the implications of sequence changes I would be grateful for advice.
> Thanks,
> Simon

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