Instead of an imperfect crystal, this can also occur if one chooses the
wrong Bravais lattice type (or spacegroup) to integrate.  For example, if
you choose tetragonal when it is really orthorhombic with a ~ b, or if you
choose orthorhombic and beta is 90.2, then you can see that trying to force
that unit cell will lead to higher residuals during positional refinement.
If one reciprocal lattice is oriented mostly along Y, then I think what Bing
observes can happen in such cases.  This is easily tested by integrating in


From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On Behalf Of Shiva
Sent: Friday, June 24, 2011 11:42 AM
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Y-Chi2 running out of chart

Hi Bie,
Curious to know what are the cell parameters obtained after scaling? You
mention observing perfect Chi2 statistics with lysozyme crystals. But are
you observing the same Chi2 statisctis with the crystal that yielded unusual
Y-Chi2 if you collect another dataset. If there is a consistency of
observing the unusual Y-Chi2 with that crystal again then it is likey that
the crystal maybe highly imperfect. If not, then there could have been a one
time un-nailed problem occurred during that collection.
On Thu, Jun 23, 2011 at 8:59 AM, bie gao <> wrote:

Dear colleagues, thank you all for your help! I really appreciate it.
I did perform a lysozyme test after the repair. I collected ~50 degree
(99%). Everything seems to be fine.  Maybe I should have done it for an
entire round.
As for the current collection, as I suspended, it did go out of the chart
but then came down to normal. Overall Rmerge is 7.9% (4% square). As Zbyszek
and others mention, it is probably due to imperfect crystal and also uneven
If our field engineer discovers anything else, I'll post it here. Thanks
again for your help. 

On Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 9:00 PM, Artem Evdokimov <>

As a follow up to the excellent suggestions made by others I would suggest
that a close examination of x-file headers may reveal abnormalities in e.g.
crystal orientation -- suspecting an unlocked or drifting goniostat. It may
also indicate a precession around the phi, which should also manifest itself
in a systematic deviation of average intensities (i.e. scale factors) in a
similar pattern (assuming uneven illumination of the crystal). Sometimes the
precession is caused by a bubble or a tiny chunk of ice trapped under the
pin, it can melt unevenly and re-align the pin a few minutes into the run
(something similar used to happen a lot at one or two beam lines and it
drove me nuts until I figured out the need to re-align the crystal after the
initial screening).


On Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 11:22 AM, bie gao <> wrote:

Dear Colleagues,

I'm collecting a dataset on our recently repaired Rigaku home source. 
Crystal diffracts to 2.2A. Indexing seems to be all fine. However, during
integration, I realize Y-Chi2 is increasing constantly (from 2 to 4.5,
almost linear) within 60 degree collection, whereas X-Chi2 stays the same.
An image is attached. There are still another 60 degree to go. Although the
prediction fits the images well so far, I'm afraid the Y-Chi2 will
eventually run out of the chart. 
My question is could it be related to any hardware malfunctioning, i.e.,
goniometer, image plates, etc, which may be a side effect of the recent
major repair? Or what else it can be?


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