Jim, that's the first thing I tried - triclinic gave similar Y-Chi2 profile.

Shiva, not sure what you mean by collecting the same crystal again (thaw and
remount?). But I collected 180 degrees, Chi2 seems to correlate with
rotation angle.


On Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 1:39 PM, Jim Pflugrath <jim.pflugr...@rigaku.com>wrote:

> **
> Instead of an imperfect crystal, this can also occur if one chooses the
> wrong Bravais lattice type (or spacegroup) to integrate.  For example, if
> you choose tetragonal when it is really orthorhombic with a ~ b, or if you
> choose orthorhombic and beta is 90.2, then you can see that trying to force
> that unit cell will lead to higher residuals during positional
> refinement.    If one reciprocal lattice is oriented mostly along Y, then I
> think what Bing observes can happen in such cases.  This is easily tested by
> integrating in triclinic.
>  ------------------------------
> *From:* CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] *On Behalf Of 
> *Shiva
> Bhowmik
> *Sent:* Friday, June 24, 2011 11:42 AM
> *Subject:* Re: [ccp4bb] Y-Chi2 running out of chart
>  Hi Bie,
> Curious to know what are the cell parameters obtained after scaling? You
> mention observing perfect Chi2 statistics with lysozyme crystals. But are
> you observing the same Chi2 statisctis with the crystal that yielded unusual
> Y-Chi2 if you collect another dataset. If there is a consistency of
> observing the unusual Y-Chi2 with that crystal again then it is likey that
> the crystal maybe highly imperfect. If not, then there could have been a one
> time un-nailed problem occurred during that collection.
> Cheers,
> Shiva
> On Thu, Jun 23, 2011 at 8:59 AM, bie gao <gao...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dear colleagues, thank you all for your help! I really appreciate it.
>> I did perform a lysozyme test after the repair. I collected ~50 degree
>> (99%). Everything seems to be fine.  Maybe I should have done it for an
>> entire round.
>> As for the current collection, as I suspended, it did go out of the chart
>> but then came down to normal. Overall Rmerge is 7.9% (4% square). As Zbyszek
>> and others mention, it is probably due to imperfect crystal and also uneven
>> cooling.
>> If our field engineer discovers anything else, I'll post it here. Thanks
>> again for your help.
>> On Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 9:00 PM, Artem Evdokimov <
>> artem.evdoki...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> As a follow up to the excellent suggestions made by others I would
>>> suggest that a close examination of x-file headers may reveal abnormalities
>>> in e.g. crystal orientation -- suspecting an unlocked or drifting goniostat.
>>> It may also indicate a precession around the phi, which should also manifest
>>> itself in a systematic deviation of average intensities (i.e. scale factors)
>>> in a similar pattern (assuming uneven illumination of the crystal).
>>> Sometimes the precession is caused by a bubble or a tiny chunk of ice
>>> trapped under the pin, it can melt unevenly and re-align the pin a few
>>> minutes into the run (something similar used to happen a lot at one or two
>>> beam lines and it drove me nuts until I figured out the need to re-align the
>>> crystal after the initial screening).
>>> Artem
>>>   On Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 11:22 AM, bie gao <gao...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Dear Colleagues,
>>>> I'm collecting a dataset on our recently repaired Rigaku home source.
>>>> Crystal diffracts to 2.2A. Indexing seems to be all fine. However,
>>>> during integration, I realize Y-Chi2 is increasing constantly (from 2 to
>>>> 4.5, almost linear) within 60 degree collection, whereas X-Chi2 stays the
>>>> same. An image is attached. There are still another 60 degree to go.
>>>> Although the prediction fits the images well so far, I'm afraid the Y-Chi2
>>>> will eventually run out of the chart.
>>>> My question is could it be related to any hardware malfunctioning, i.e.,
>>>> goniometer, image plates, etc, which may be a side effect of the recent
>>>> major repair? Or what else it can be?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Bing

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