Hi Christian, we use openbabel for this kind of thing, I'm sure you'll find
the file formats you want to interconvert among the long list it supports:


-- Ian

On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 9:20 AM, Christian Roth <
christian.r...@bbz.uni-leipzig.de> wrote:

> Dear all,
> I want convert a small molecule cif into pdb. Unfortunately coordvonv
> failed
> with the following error message:
> CCP4I TERMINATION STATUS 0 "At line 537 of file
> /usr/local/xtal/ccp4-6.1.3/src/coordconv.f Fortran runtime error: Bad value
> during floating point read
> I am able to read the file with pymol and see the structure, unfortunatley
> one
> cannot isolate chains or atoms. Some atoms exists twice and if one delete
> it
> in Coot one delete always more than one atom and that is not what I want.
> Does anyone know a good programm to deal with cif file or to convert it
> properly in a format?
> Thanks in advance
> Christian

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