Hi Frank

> This is self-evident;  what is not obvious is why the target function
should be having the final word.  Wasn't the word "over-refinement"
introduced to describe exactly this:  that the target function was wrong?

I assumed people were confusing 'over-refinement' with 'over-fitting'; there
is no such thing as over-refinement (you won't find 'over-optimisation'
mentioned in any textbooks on optimisation!), since by definition refining
beyond convergence is a waste of time: it cannot result in any further
significant changes in the parameters.  Refinement is simply a method of
solving a set of equations & clearly we want to solve those equations as
accurately as possible.  If we could obtain an exact solution without
iteration we would use that; the mechanics of refinement and the path that
the program by dint of numerical quirks happens to take to reach the
solution are irrelevant as far as the user is concerned.  Stopping the
refinement before convergence will not produce more accurate parameters, it
will just introduce random and unquantifiable errors.

> Isn't this the purpose of cross-validation, to use an independent measure
to judge when the refinement is *not* producing the "best" model?

If the value of your chosen X-validation metric at convergence indicates a
problem with the model, parameterisation, weighting etc then clearly the
target function is not indeed the final word: the solution is to fix
whatever is wrong and do the refinement again, until you get a satisfactory
value for your metric.

> This may be true;  but as it is independent of refinement, is it not
> nevertheless the only measure I should trust?
> No there several possible functions of the test set (e.g. Hamilton Rfree,
LLfree) that you could use, all potentially equally valid X-validation
metrics.  I would have more faith in a function such as LLfree in which the
contributions of the reflections are at least weighted according to their
reliability.  It just seems bizarre that important decisions are being based
on measurements that may have gross errors without taking those errors into

> Or maybe what you intended to say:  only trust refinements for which Rfree
> decreases monotonically, because only then do you have a valid choice of
> parameters.

No, as I indicated above, what Rfree does before convergence is attained is
totally meaningless, only the value obtained _at_ convergence is meaningful
as a X-validation statistic.  We wouldn't be having this discussion if the
refinement program omitted the meaningless intermediate values and only
printed out the final Rfree or LLfree.  I'm saying that Rfree is not the
best X-validation metric because poorly measured data are not properly
weighted: this is what Acta paper I referenced is saying.


-- Ian

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