Dear Crystallographers,

I recently have been working with a 2.5 Ang SeMet peak wavelength
dataset which contains 2 cys's and also a couple of bona fide Cl ions
(reasonable b-factor/site is semi-buried/water does not work). In the
FFT anomalous difference map using PhiC from the refined model and
Dano, I can see the MSE's at ~10 sigma, but no Cl ions, even though Cl
should have f" = ~0.3 versus Se's f" = ~4, and no S's in the cys,
despite f" = 0.23e. There is really no anomalous peak at all--is it
just the smallness of the signal, or are the Se's somehow "swamping
out" the other signal? Perhaps the phases are tainted by the presence
of semet in the model?

Looking for suggestions,

Jacob Keller

Jacob Pearson Keller
Northwestern University
Medical Scientist Training Program
cel: 773.608.9185

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