Ooops (.03+.01+.01+.01)/(.19+.01+.09+.09) = .16

-- Ian

On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 12:22 PM, Ian Tickle <> wrote:

> On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 11:21 AM, Adam Ralph <> wrote:
>> Dear Brigitte,
>>      Looking at the formulae it could be possible to get those results.
>> Take an example
>> below
>>     Rho_cal = -0.11, 0.0, 0.05, 0.05
>>     Rho_obs = -0.08, 0.01, 0.04, 0.04
>>     R-fac = 0.02/0.0   =   undefined
>>     Correl =      0.0032 - (-0.0025*0.0025)
>>                    --------------------------------------     = 0.99
>>                             sqrt(0.0043 * 0.0024)
>> Did the calculations quickly so hope they are OK. However, I designed the
>> data so
>> that the denominator in the R-fac is zero i.e. the sum of Rho_cal = - sum
>> of Rho_obs.
>> It would imply that the ATMMAP from sfall does not cover the correct set
>> of grid points
>> for the ligand. You expect the Fc map to be positive in this region. You
>> need to generate
>> a new ATMMAP for each different ligand conformation.
>> Adam
> Hi Adam
> That doesn't look right to me, the formula according to Jones et al is:
>                      RSR = sum(| rho_obs - rho_calc |) / sum(| rho_obs +
> rho_calc |)
> So for your example we have RSR = (.03 + .01 + .01 + .01) / (.19 + .01 +
> .09 + .09) = .13 which is obviously quite a reasonable number.
> If you want some numbers which will cause a zero divide you have to make
> rho_obs = - rho_calc for every point so each term in the sum in the
> denominator above is zero, and therefore obviously the denominator itself
> would be zero.
> Here are the relevant code snippets from OVERLAPMAP:
>                      iave(j,i)=0
>                      xave(j,i)=0.
>                      yave(j,i)=0.
>                      iave(jj,ii)=iave(jj,ii)+1
>                      xave(jj,ii)=xave(jj,ii)+xwork
>                      yave(jj,ii)=yave(jj,ii)+ywork
>                      xave(jj,ii)=xave(jj,ii)/iave(jj,ii)
>                      yave(jj,ii)=yave(jj,ii)/iave(jj,ii)
>                      rfac(jj,ii) =  (abs(xave(jj,ii)- yave(jj,ii))) /
> (abs(xave(jj,ii)+ yave(jj,ii)))
> This looks wrong to me since the absolute value is being taken after the
> summation instead of before, i.e. it should be forming sums of
> abs(xwork-ywork) and abs(xwork+ywork).  The absolute value of a sum is not
> the same as the sum of absoiute values!  Note that the division throughout
> by the no of points (iave(jj,ii)) has no effect on the result.
> I didn't check the formula for the correlation coefficient.
> But your broad conclusion (that the data is garbage) is very probably
> correct!
> Cheers
> -- Ian

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