On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 7:14 PM, <bkziervo...@uchicago.edu> wrote:

> Hi Adam and Ian,
> Thanks for your help.  If I re-calculate the R-factors with the correct
> absolute values I get more reasonable values.  However, I'm still a bit
> confused because the output given by the Overlapmap program is structure
> factor values, which are used to calculate the real-space R-factors.  Should
> this not be Rho values instead?  Additionally, a lot of my structure
> factors, even for the protein, which I know fits well within the
> experimental density, are 0 for the sidechains or negative.  Any idea what's
> going on here?  I've attached some sample data from the Overlapmap output
> file.  Thanks in advance.
> Brigitte

Hi Brigitte

Yes I agree with you that the output is very confusing!  I don't know
exactly what 'Fobs' & 'Fcalc' are but I'm pretty sure they can't be
structure factors.  I would guess that 'F' is actually rho (i.e. rho
calculated by FFT from F).  According to the man page overlapmap only inputs
& outputs maps: nowhere does it mention reading or writing SFs.  Very

Also why the values are small or negative, I've no idea as I've never used
overlapmap.  I would keep posting to the BB in the hope that someone can
solve your problem.


-- Ian

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