
Before coming to my current lab, I had used a Prime for a couple of years.  Did 
the job, no complaints.  Since being exposed to the Akta Express though, I 
would have to say that this is a great machine for purification of multiple 
constructs at the same(ish) time and I would really, really miss it if I had to 
go back to Prime/Purifier.  Also using automatic runs combining several columns 
is also a great bonus.   I would like to sort-of hijack/add to this thread 
(again) and ask of alternatives to this machine specifically, and people's 
experiences with it please?



Dr. Charles Allerston
Genome Integrity & Repair
Structural Genomics Consortium
Nuffield Department of Medicine
Old Road Campus
University of Oxford

From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On Behalf Of Paul Smith
Sent: 13 October 2011 02:19
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Akta Prime / FPLC Options / Off Topic


Unfortunately, I actually don't know who serves these machines apart from GE.

Because you brought up the subject of GE equipment and service, I thought I 
would ask the community about the best options for routine crystallographic 
scale FPLC.

In my opinion, following the takeover of Pharmacia by GE the the price of GE 
machines, replacement parts, and service has skyrocketed and GE service reps 
seem determined to squeeze and extort every dollar they can.  Personally, I'd 
love to never do business with GE again.

However, in some ways, they are the only game in town.  GE is the de facto 
standard for our line of work and the Akta line are very good machines.  
However, GE's consistent price gouging and outright crooked service practices 
encourage me look elsewhere.

I've used systems from AP-biotech (junk) and have heard some good things about 
Bio-rad.  What does the community at large think?  Are there other good 
options?  Does anyone have some spare millions and manufacturing connections in 
India/China to consider starting a competing company?

Sorry to hijack your thread Michael.  Let me know what you find out.  The less 
money I send to GE the better.


From: Michael Colaneri <colane...@gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 2:28 PM
Subject: [ccp4bb] Akta Prime

Dear all,

We have an AktaPrime and GE Lifesciences stop servicing these instruments 
because they are getting old.  Does anyone know of a third party company that 
gives contracts to maintain these instruments?  Thank you.

Mike Colaneri

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