
Why not give macroseeding a try? 
On the other hand, did your try additive screens? You might find something that 
modifies the growth behavior of your crystals. In some cases simple 
manipulation of ionic strength could have great effects. I had a crystal that 
had a long axis, but the crystals grew as cubes - not ideal for crystal 
aligning for data collection. Then I found that including about 1M of 
monovalent salts can turn the crystals into rods, with the long axis being 
parallel with the longest edge of the rod. 


From: Nian Huang 
Sent: Monday, November 14, 2011 4:15 PM
Subject: [ccp4bb] [off topic] Control of crystals' direction and position in 
the drop.

Dear All,
Does anybody find a way to control a crystal's positioning in the drop? I have 
needle shaped crystals. What I found out is that the vertical positioned 
crystals always grow much thicker than the crystals laying flatly. But 
unfortunately, it is a completely random event and only 1% crystals can appear 
vertically. I have tried different formats of plates and equilibration 
techniques w/o much success. Any suggestion is highly appreciated.

Nian Huang, Ph.D.
UT Southwestern Medical Center

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