
I'm not sure if that is what you are looking for, but if you want to use the "real space refine zone" function in coot with sugars that is possible. For a monosaccharide you will need a cif dictionary with the restraint definitions - in some cases present in the refmac monomer database, but be careful not all cif files there are correct. If none is present or if your monomer is disrupted during refinement you can look at the small molecule databases (Hic-Up etc) or calculate one with PRODRG (http://davapc1.bioch.dundee.ac.uk/prodrg/). Load it with "File" "Import CIF dictionary and real space refinement should work. If you try to refine a polysaccharide it's a bit more difficult since coot will ignore any glycosidic bond restraints - if two sugars are close by and one has well defined density and the other one not it might even place them on top of each other.
I like to use the anchor tool on the bonding atoms in those cases.
The other option for a polysaccharide is to use PRODRG to generate a single "monomer" out of your polysaccharide.

In any case at the end you have to inspect the geometry manually since the restraint definitions are often incomplete.



Am 22.11.11 01:16, schrieb Jan van Agthoven:
Hi everyone!
Does anyone know if there is a way of auto-refining a sugar in Coot?

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