I've done this sort of thing (but different) using the Clipper libraries in 
C++. I found it easier to write short programs to do specific tasks rather than 
try to write generic all-purpose tools

On 14 Dec 2011, at 15:07, Tim Gruene wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Hello Fred,
> as far as I understand your problem I am not aware of existing programs
> to carry out the tasks. To automatise the process I would write a
> program myself which takes the PDB-file and the reside numbers which
> make that helix as input and:
> 1) determine the axis of that straight helix (probably by determining
> the moments of intertia, see e.g. Gruene, T. & Sheldrick, G. M. (2011).
> Acta Cryst. A67, 1-8, section 2.2.1 with x_o the centre of mass.
> 2) copy the monomer by 3 rotations of 90 degrees about this axis to get
> the tetramer.
> 3) move each of the four monomers stepwise perpendicularly to the
> rotation axis until no more clashes are there (mask the volume of one
> monomer and check each atom/atom volume whether it falls into that
> volume. Because of the 4-fold rotation axis you only need to mask one
> monomer and check against its next and its opposite neighbour).
> The tricky bit w.r.t automatisation would be to determine the helix
> axis, unless you already have a list of composing residues for each
> PDB-file.
> That's probably nothing I would finish in a week's time, though...
> Tim
> On 12/14/2011 03:13 PM, Fred wrote:
>> Hi Tim,
>> Thanks for your replay. All pdb monomers have the same primary sequence
>> and a perfect matching long helix, which I have used to superpose the
>> coordinates. Such helix is almost straight so that, the idea would be to
>> create a vector along the helix main axis, shift this axis to a some
>> distance (perhaps minimizing clashes) and apply 4-fold rotation. A
>> second step would be to take these into pdbset to make things in batch
>> mode. It sounds simple, but don't know the easiest way/programs to do
>> that. I can do just the basics in Coot. I remember that Xfit had some
>> options to trace vectors inside a cell and give it rotation properties.
>> However, Xfit seems to be frozen and integration with pdbset would be
>> painful.
>> Regards,
>> Fred
>> Em 14-12-2011 07:32, Tim Gruene escreveu:
>> Hi Fred,
>> this sentence of yours, "All pdb's are superposed by a common sequence
>> region, which also will be part of the tetramer interface." probably
>> hides the information which would be necessary for a reasonable answer
>> to your question.
>> If you still are stuck, you might post again with a more detailed
>> description of what you mean.
>> Cheers, Tim
>> On 12/13/2011 07:28 PM, Fred wrote:
>>>>> Dear CCP4bb list,
>>>>> Thank you very much all of you who have answered my post. I'm really
>>>>> sorry if I was unclear. Such operation is so unusual that I could be
>>>>> able to express myself appropriately. From quick reading some replies
>>>>> (James Stroud and Guillaume Ponchel), it seems is possible do build
>>>>> artificial tetramers with Coot. Several problems have been raised like
>>>>> clashes, unusual interfaces and so on.  A second step would be to take
>>>>> Coot's rotation and translation matrix and apply it to all pdb's in
>>>>> batch mode with pdbset. All pdb's are superposed by a common sequence
>>>>> region, which also will be part of the tetramer interface. I'll try to
>>>>> make things work.
>>>>> Once more, sorry for any inconvenience and thank you very  much.
>>>>> Kind regards,
>>>>> Fred
>> -- - --
>> Dr Tim Gruene
>> Institut fuer anorganische Chemie
>> Tammannstr. 4
>> D-37077 Goettingen
>> GPG Key ID = A46BEE1A
> - -- 
> - --
> Dr Tim Gruene
> Institut fuer anorganische Chemie
> Tammannstr. 4
> D-37077 Goettingen
> GPG Key ID = A46BEE1A
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