
I have a metal ion sitting on a two-fold. I assigned it an occupancy of 0.5 but Refmac keeps refining it away from that position so that in the end there is a symmetry-related ion 1.6A away. I thought that this problem has been rectified long ago? Certainly I had several occasions where Refmac would automatically recognize special position and automatically assigned proper occupancy (1/n). Not sure why this particular case is different...

This behavior is the same in:

Refmac 5.5.0088 (Windows)
Refmac 5.5.0102 (Windows)
Refmac 5.6.0117 (Windows)
Refmac 5.5.0109 (Linux)

I also tried leaving it at occupancy 1.0 and also tried renaming MN2+ to water at occupancies of 0.5 and 1.0. All to no avail - the atom is always shifted away from the density.

Anything I can do to force Refmac to keep it nice and tidy?

Thanks and Happy New Year!

- Dima

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