The diffraction pattern we see results from the convolution of the
crystal lattice with the fourier transform of the electron density, as
I understand it. I guess I am interested in seeing the unconvoluted
transform of the electron density, just to get a feeling for what the
characteristics of those transforms are. As I put it in a previous
message, I am curious what the diffraction would look like from a
theoretical radiation-damage-impervious single molecule of either
protein or nucleic acid. I suspect that for nucleic acids one would
see the stacked bases a la Rosalind Franklin's fiber diffraction
images, and perhaps other interesting features. Maybe there would be a
powder-diffraction-like ring for CC and CN bond lengths? Anyway, I
guess the goal would be to see whether one could find any other
relationships like phase triplets etc.


On Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 2:21 AM, Tim Gruene <> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Dear Jacob,
> what do you mean by 'molecular transform'? Would you like to visualise
> the summed structure factors from the atoms inside the unit cell?
> - - What pattern are you talking about/ what pattern do you expect?
> - - What benefit do you expect from seeing the phases? What you can
> physically observe on the detector are the intensities - the concept of
> 'phases' is just a mathematical notion to explain the intensities in
> terms of interference from single waves and an atomistic model inside
> the crystal.
> - - What makes you think the pattern from a larger molecule would have a
> more complex pattern?
> Cheers,
> Tim
> On 01/10/2012 12:13 AM, Jacob Keller wrote:
>> I like that animation a lot, as it shows the gradual nature of the
>> lattice effect, but it is not exactly what I am looking for. I am
>> actually just curious what the pattern behind the spots looks like for
>> various molecules, and would like to see an image of that in various
>> orientations. I guess one way to put it is that I would like to see
>> what the 1.5-2 Ang diffraction pattern would be for a single,
>> radiation-damage-impervious protein or RNA/DNA molecule given enough
>> x-rays and time.
>> Would the intensities-based transform image be much less complicated
>> than the phases-based one?
>> Would larger molecules have more complex patterns, corresponding to
>> the amount of information in their structures?
>> JPK
>> On Fri, Jan 6, 2012 at 6:23 PM, James M Holton <> wrote:
>>> You mean something like the animation at the top of this web page?
>>> This program is a relative of nearBragg, which Dale already mentioned.
>>> -James Holton
>>> MAD Scientist
>>> On Jan 6, 2012, at 5:44 PM, Jacob Keller <> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Actually, as a way to make this type of figure, I think there are
>>>> programs which output simulated diffraction images, so perhaps I could
>>>> just input a .pdb file with some really huge (fake) cell parameters
>>>> (10,000 Ang?), and then the resulting spots would be really close
>>>> together and approximate the continuous molecular transform. I think
>>>> this would amount to the same thing as the molecular transform of the
>>>> model itself--am I right?
>>>> Does anyone know which software outputs simulated diffraction images?
>>>> Jacob
>>>> On Fri, Jan 6, 2012 at 10:25 AM, Jacob Keller
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>> Dear Crystallographers,
>>>>> has anyone come across a figure showing a normal diffraction image,
>>>>> and then next to it the equivalent molecular transform, perhaps with
>>>>> one image as phases and one as amplitudes? Seems like it would be a
>>>>> very instructional slide to have to explain how crystallography works
>>>>> (I know about Kevin Cowtan's ducks and cats--I was looking for
>>>>> approximately the same but from protein or NA molecules.) I don't
>>>>> think I have ever seen an actual molecular transform of a protein or
>>>>> NA molecule.
>>>>> All the best,
>>>>> Jacob
>>>>> --
>>>>> *******************************************
>>>>> Jacob Pearson Keller
>>>>> Northwestern University
>>>>> Medical Scientist Training Program
>>>>> email:
>>>>> *******************************************
>>>> --
>>>> *******************************************
>>>> Jacob Pearson Keller
>>>> Northwestern University
>>>> Medical Scientist Training Program
>>>> email:
>>>> *******************************************
> - --
> - --
> Dr Tim Gruene
> Institut fuer anorganische Chemie
> Tammannstr. 4
> D-37077 Goettingen
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Jacob Pearson Keller
Northwestern University
Medical Scientist Training Program

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