Hi all,

I would like to ask some questions regarding this thread..
1) What is exactly meant by "Fourier transformed electron density"?-
according to my knowldege performing a fourier transform on the electron
density gives you the structure factor back. So, how does it related to
what Prof. James H called "non-lattice-convoluted pattern"? It will be
really nice if somebody can explain the thing in a " decoded" language?!
 And also any articles focusing on the concepts discussed in the entire
thread will be very helpful



On Sat, Jan 14, 2012 at 12:42 AM, Dale Tronrud <det...@uoxray.uoregon.edu>wrote:

>   I think you have to be a little more clear as to what you mean
> by an "electron density map".  If you mean our usual maps that we
> calculate all the time the Patterson map is just the usual Patterson
> map.  It also repeats to infinity, with the infinitely long Patterson
> vectors (infinitely high frequency components) being required to
> create the Bragg peaks.  If you mean an electron density map of a
> single object with finite bounds your Patterson map will also have
> finite bounds, just with twice the radius.
>   The Patterson boundary is not a sharp drop-off because there aren't
> as many long vectors as short ones, but the distribution depends on
> the exact shape of your object.  Once you have a Patterson map that
> has an isolated edge (no cross-vectors) back calculating the original
> object is pretty easy. (Miao, et al, Annu. Rev. Phys. Chem. 2008,
> 59:387-410)
> Dale Tronrud
> On 01/13/12 10:54, Jacob Keller wrote:
> > I am trying to think, then, what would the Patterson map of a
> > Fourier-transformed electron density map look like? Would you get the
> > shape/outline of the object, then a sharp drop-off, presumably? Is
> > this used to orient molecules in single-particle FEL diffraction
> > experiments?
> >
> > JPK
> >
> > On Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 12:33 PM, Dale Tronrud
> > <det...@uoxray.uoregon.edu> wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >> On 01/13/12 09:53, Jacob Keller wrote:
> >>> No, I meant the non-lattice-convoluted pattern--the pattern arising
> >>> from the Fourier-transformed electron density map--which would
> >>> necessarily become more complicated with larger molecular size, as
> >>> there is more information to encode. I think this will manifest in
> >>> what James H called a smaller "grain size."
> >>
> >>   I've been thinking about these matters recently and had a nifty
> >> insight about exactly this matter.  (While this idea is new to me
> >> I doubt it is new for others.)
> >>
> >>   The lower limit to the size of the features in one of these
> >> "scattergrams" is indicated by the scattergram's highest frequency
> >> Fourier  component.  Its Fourier transform is the Patterson map.
> >> While we usually think of the Patterson map as describing interatomic
> >> vectors, it is also the frequency space for the diffraction pattern.
> >> For a noncrystalline object the highest frequency component corresponds
> >> to the longest Patterson vector or, in other words, the diameter of
> >> the object!  The bigger the object, the higher the highest frequency
> >> of the scattergram, and the smaller its features.
> >>
> >> Dale Tronrud
> >>
> >>>
> >>> JPK
> >>>
> >>> On Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 11:41 AM, Yuri Pompeu <yuri.pom...@ufl.edu>
> wrote:
> >>>> to echo Tim's question:
> >>>> If by pattern you mean the position of the spots on the film, I dont
> think they would change based on the complexity of the macromolecule being
> studied. As far I know it, the position of the spots are dictated by the
> reciprocal lattice points
> >>>> (therefore the real crystal lattice) (no?)
> >>>> The intensity will, obviously, vary dramatically...
> >>>> ps. Very interesting (cool) images James!!!
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >
> >
> >


*CAS in Crystallography and Biophysics*
*University of Madras*

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