The Canadian Macromolecular Crystallography Facility (CMCF) is excited to 
announce an intensive 5-day hands-on synchrotron data collection school at the 
Canadian Light Source (CLS) in Saskatoon. The School will take place June 5 - 
9, 2012. Participants will attend a series of lectures and be actively engaged 
in macromolecular crystallography (Mx) data collection at CMCF beamlines. 
Completing the school will be an essential step to making use of the 
crystallography beamlines remotely and will better equip participants to 
effectively collect diffraction data on-site. Additionally, this year’s special 
topic will be an in-depth look at using COOT during structure solution and 
modeling with invited speaker Dr. Trevor Moraes. Participants should have a 
basic grounding in crystallography prior to attending the course. Application 
deadline is April 13, 2012. Please visit the CMCF website for more information 
and application form, at

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