Using the Protein Geometry Database ( I looked
up all Arg residues in models with resolution of 1.3 A or better and found
5920 examples.  The mean value of the O-C-N angle (and I'm assuming that the
O and C atoms are in the Arg) is 122.6 deg with a sigma of 1.1 deg.  338 of
them have a value greater than 124.23 deg, or about 6%.  It doesn't look to
me that this piece of structure is an outlier.

   Regularizing may move atoms out of density but it shouldn't "distort"
anything, it should make it, <cough>, more regular.  If regularizing is
doing something bad there is a problem with the regularizer not the structure.

   Does you model have any ligands that might have horrible angles but not
be reported by MolProbity?

Dale Tronrud

On 02/16/12 09:00, Greg Costakes wrote:
> Ahh yes, I looked at the wrong line. My Rmsd bond angle is 2.55 degrees
> (not bond length). MolProbity states that my only abnormal angle is
> 124.23 degrees between O--C--N of an Arg. Real Space Refinement does not
> change anything and Regularizing the zone completely distorts the
> backbone. Any suggestions on how to fix this?
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Greg Costakes
> PhD Candidate
> Department of Structural Biology
> Purdue University
> Hockmeyer Hall, Room 320
> 240 S. Martin Jischke Drive, West Lafayette, IN 47907
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From: *"Bernard D. Santarsiero" <>
> *To: *"Greg Costakes" <>
> *Sent: *Thursday, February 16, 2012 11:42:55 AM
> *Subject: *Re: [ccp4bb] Bond Length Outliers
> Greg,
> Your RMSD on bond lengths should be around 0.01A (your structure vs.
> idealized library), and the RMSD on bond angles should be around 1.5deg.
> You must be using an incorrect value of the weight factor between
> structure factors and geometric factors, and relying too heavily on
> structure factors.
> Bernie
> On Thu, February 16, 2012 10:31 am, Greg Costakes wrote:
>> I am currently in the final steps of refining a 1.3A structure and am
>> coming across a slight problem. According the the pdb file, I have an Rmsd
>> bond length of 2.55. MolProbity identifies three outliers which correspond
>> to the bond lengths of:
>> Asp: C--O , bond length = 1.2A
>> Arg: C--O , bond length = 1.15A
>> Ala: N--Ca , bond length = 1.43A
>> Real space refinement in Coot does not help and if I Regularize the zone
>> it completely distorts the backbone. So my question is, how do I fix these
>> bond length outliers? Do I need to be concerned with them? Any advice will
>> be much appreciated. Thank you!
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Greg Costakes
>> PhD Candidate
>> Department of Structural Biology
>> Purdue University
>> Hockmeyer Hall, Room 320
>> 240 S. Martin Jischke Drive, West Lafayette, IN 47907
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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