> I'm aware of this document. Personally I prefer "ADP = Atomic Displacement
> Parameters" over anything ele, because, given that Atomic Displacement
> Parameters can be parameterized in many different ways, it makes it easier
> to operate with such terms like:
> - isotropic Atomic Displacement Parameters (isotropic ADP);
> - anisotropic Atomic Displacement Parameters (anisotropic ADP);
> - group Atomic Displacement Parameters (group ADP);
> - group isotropic Atomic Displacement Parameters (group isotropic ADP;
> example: when refining one isotropic ADP per set of selected atoms);
> - group anisotropic Atomic Displacement Parameters (group anisotropic ADP;
> example TLS);
> - ... etc, etc...
> (no intention to open another "can of worms" ! -:) )

Hi Pavel, but couldn't you simplify it further by omitting the word
"atomic" throughout?  In fact isn't "group (an)isotropic Atomic
Displacement Parameter" a contradiction in terms?  Surely it can be
either a group parameter or an atomic parameter but not both at the
same time?

I think the worms are already out and making good their escape :).


-- Ian

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