Hi ccp4bb,

I've been having trouble with Coot. Specifically the scripting to change
the maximum number of residues to refine.
So if I try to refine more than 20 residues I get this neat little warning
message in the terminal:

WARNING:: Hit heuristic fencepost! Too many residues to refine
           FYI: 23 > 20 (which is your current maximum).
Use (set-refine-max-residues 40) to increase limit

but when I try set-refine-max-residues 40 or set-refine-max-residues 30 in
either the terminal or the scheme scripting command window, it doesn't
actually change anything.
I've run the Python version of the hydrogen bond restraints script before
all this.
Hope someone can point me in the right direction.


Morten K Grøftehauge, PhD
Pohl Group
Durham University

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