I thought Ethan was looking for the verb -- you know, fishing!!!

On Mon, 2 Apr 2012, jens Preben Morth wrote:

For the latest documentary on trolls in Norway see

The documentary describes both the classification system of Norwegian Trolls and why they are sensitive to sun light, i.e turn to stone. Depending in the species, some Trolls apparently prefer bridges and others caves. They all are attracted to christian blood though.

On 4/1/12 10:42 PM, Ethan Merritt wrote:
On Sunday, 01 April 2012, Kendall Nettles wrote:
What is the single Latin word for troll?


According to Google Translate, it is Troglodytarum.
But I'm dubious.
I thought trolls lived under bridges rather than in caves.
Except for the ones who inhabit the internet, of course.


        Robert M. Sweet                 E-Dress: sw...@bnl.gov
        Group Leader, PXRR: Macromolecular               ^ (that's L
          Crystallography Research Resource at NSLS            not 1)
        Biology Dept
        Brookhaven Nat'l Lab.           Phones:
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