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From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On Behalf Of Rajesh 
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2012 10:07 AM
Subject: [ccp4bb] zinc fingre

Dear All,

I am trying to crystallize a protein, so far I got no diffraction though I have 
large crystals.
It has few cystines and a histidine near by at N-terminal. I dont have much 
literature on biochemistry of this protein available in pubmed (5 papers only).
Is there a way if I could check using bioinformatic tools if  my protein has 
Zinc finger or zinc finger-like motif?  If so, is it possible assume it would 
bind some sort of DNA and could I check that as well?
I appreciate any suggestions to this BROAD question and some references would 
be helpful.

I thought its OK to ask for help here though its nothing to do with CCP4, but 
eventually I want to get there.
I appreciate your time.


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