Dear All,

Recently I collected a data set to about 3.1 angstrom. Using Xtriage program, I 
found a pseudo translational symmetry on the c-axis.  I noticed that overall 
diffraction intensity is weak for this dataset. I wonder if there are flaws in 
the crystal and I have difficulty to solve the structure using phaser. Has 
anyone seen similar cases and any comments and suggestions? Thanks!

Below is some analysis results from the Xtriage.

Cell 102.937, 102.937, 203.059, 90, 90, 90,  P422
Largest Patterson peak with length larger than 15 Angstrom
Frac. coord.        :    0.000    0.000    0.350
Distance to origin  :   71.133
Height (origin=100) :   48.451
p_value(height)     :    8.588e-05
Wilson ratio and moments
Acentric reflections
   <I^2>/<I>^2    :2.568   (untwinned: 2.000; perfect twin 1.500)
   <F>^2/<F^2>    :0.728   (untwinned: 0.785; perfect twin 0.885)
   <|E^2 - 1|>    :0.850   (untwinned: 0.736; perfect twin 0.541)
Centric reflections
   <I^2>/<I>^2    :3.953   (untwinned: 3.000; perfect twin 2.000)
   <F>^2/<F^2>    :0.577   (untwinned: 0.637; perfect twin 0.785)
   <|E^2 - 1|>    :1.111   (untwinned: 0.968; perfect twin 0.736)
NZ test (0<=z<1) to detect twinning and possible translational NCS
|  Z  | Nac_obs | Nac_theo | Nc_obs | Nc_theo |
| 0.0 |   0.000 |    0.000 |  0.000 |   0.000 |
| 0.1 |   0.126 |    0.095 |  0.293 |   0.248 |
| 0.2 |   0.239 |    0.181 |  0.394 |   0.345 |
| 0.3 |   0.327 |    0.259 |  0.471 |   0.419 |
| 0.4 |   0.401 |    0.330 |  0.521 |   0.474 |
| 0.5 |   0.464 |    0.394 |  0.557 |   0.520 |
| 0.6 |   0.518 |    0.451 |  0.597 |   0.561 |
| 0.7 |   0.569 |    0.503 |  0.635 |   0.597 |
| 0.8 |   0.613 |    0.551 |  0.660 |   0.629 |
| 0.9 |   0.648 |    0.593 |  0.683 |   0.657 |
| 1.0 |   0.679 |    0.632 |  0.706 |   0.683 |
| Maximum deviation acentric      :  0.071    |
| Maximum deviation centric       :  0.052    |
|                                             |
| <NZ(obs)-NZ(twinned)>_acentric  : +0.054    |
| <NZ(obs)-NZ(twinned)>_centric   : +0.035    |
L test for acentric data
using difference vectors (dh,dk,dl) of the form:
  where hp, kp, and lp are random signed integers such that
  2 <= |dh| + |dk| + |dl| <= 8
  Mean |L|   :0.490  (untwinned: 0.500; perfect twin: 0.375)
  Mean  L^2  :0.323  (untwinned: 0.333; perfect twin: 0.200)
  The distribution of |L| values indicates a twin fraction of
  0.00. Note that this estimate is not as reliable as obtained
  via a Britton plot or H-test if twin laws are available.
Twinning and intensity statistics summary (acentric data):
Statistics independent of twin laws
  <I^2>/<I>^2 : 2.568
  <F>^2/<F^2> : 0.728
  <|E^2-1|>   : 0.850
  <|L|>, <L^2>: 0.490, 0.323
  Multivariate Z score L-test: 0.686

Jiyuan Ke, Ph.D.
Research Scientist
Van Andel Research Institute
333 Bostwick Ave NE
Grand Rapids, MI 49503

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