On 06/06/12 21:47, Ursula Schulze-Gahmen wrote:
I calculated threefold averaged omit maps in coot. These maps look nice and clean, but I am having trouble making sense of the displayed sigma levels or e/A3 values. When I display the unaveraged and averaged maps at a similar density level for the protein the unaveraged map is at 0.024 e/A3 and 2.7 sigma, while the averaged map is displayed at 0.0016e/A3 and 7.6 sigma. I read the previous discussion about this issue where it was recommended to rely on the e/A3 values for comparison, but even that doesn't seem to work in this case.

Don't forget that in one case you are looking at a whole map and in the other (an average of) maps generated from a box encapsulating each chain. I wouldn't stress if I were you...


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