Dear All,

I'm working out the finer details on a structural paper for submission to JBC. 
I'm having a slight problem with how to present my data. I've got a high 
resolution (1.46 A) truncated structure of the protein with the N-terminal 38aa 
removed. I've also got data from lower resolution (2.68 A) crystals of the full 
length protein. 

There's no significant difference between the high res and low res proteins in 
the shared region (amino acid 38+) (r.m.s.d 0.46 A), and the while there is 
broken density for the first 38aa from the full length data it's too poor to 
model into.

I want to present a figure which shows the density corresponding to the first 
38aa and where that fits with the rest if protein molecule. What I'm unsure of 
it whether I will be required by the journal to submit a model from the lower 
resolution data to the PDB in order to present this figure. Bearing in mind the 
density doesn't allow any additional residues to be modelled compared to the 
high res. structure.   

Your opinions or advice on how best to present this data would be welcomed.



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