HI Joe

This and similar cases should be changed in the library from
_chem_comp_chir.volume_sign = 'negative' (or 'positive') to 'both'.
Then if you're concerned about the standardisation of the atom
labelling you can always swap the labels of 2 atoms in the PDB file,
but at least with 'both' non-standard labelling won't mess up the
refinement.  In this particular case the chiral specification seems
somewhat redundant anyway since the geometry is completely nailed down
by the 6 angle restraints! - so an even better solution might be to
delete the _chem_comp_chir block entirely.  You only need chiral
restraints if one atom is a H (unless I suppose the density for the
4th atom is very poor).  It would seem unlikely that the angle
restraints would allow 'umbrella flips' if all 4 are non-H.


-- Ian

On 11 July 2012 00:02, Joel Tyndall <joel.tynd...@otago.ac.nz> wrote:
> Sorry I should have added, that the issue occurs following refinement in
> refmac. (error in log file and SO4’s are distorted)
> _________________________________
> Joel Tyndall, PhD
> Senior Lecturer in Medicinal Chemistry
> National School of Pharmacy
> University of Otago
> PO Box 56 Dunedin 9054
> New Zealand
> Skype: jtyndall
> Ph: +64 3 479 7293

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