Dear all,

thanks a lot for all your comments and suggestions for the alignment. I tested 
already the pdb server, which works great and I am currently installing a few 
other programs mentioned (Chimera, Prosmart.....) for comparison. 

Best Regards


Am Freitag 13 Juli 2012 16:30:57 schrieb Christian Roth:
> Dear all,
> I want align a couple or protein structures by secondary structure matching
>  to one target and want get a kind of aminoacid alignment file e.g. what
>  residue fit the other, without adjustments due to sequence based
>  alignments.
> I tried Strap, but as far as I understood it, it takes also the sequence
>  into account. I tried also Rapido, but this does only a pairwise
>  comparison. Superpose does align it nicely (ccp4 based or Coot based) but
>  there seems to be no option to print the sequence alignment in a file and
>  it is again  just a pairwise comparison .
> Is there an other program which does something similar?
> Best Regards
> Christian

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