Seconday structure assignement by Pymol is poor and unreliable to say the least. This behavior is very common. Best is to assign secondary structure using other software and then tell Pymol explicitely from where to where the starnds and helices run

Remy Loris
Vriej universiteit Brussel

On 23/07/12 23:46, meisam nosrati wrote:
Dear CCP4ers

It seems like the text has not showed up, but I have a problem with making pdbs from coot. As I refine my structure ( with MR solution ) the beta sheets become loops while H-bondings are still there.

I am not sure, if the problem is originating from making PDBs from coot.

I will appriciate your help


On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 5:31 PM, Meisam Nosrati < <>> wrote:

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