Danilo, There are two points that I want you to consider before I attempt to 
answer your question:1. In terms of capabilities:Voidoo has the capability to 
detect specific voids or all voids inside a bio-macromolecular complex, as well 
as certain cavities that are connected to the "outside world". It delineates 
these cavities, meaning that it finds  their extent in 3-dimensional space. 
Secondly, it measures the molecular volumes as well as the volume of the cavity 
itself. Finally, it has the capability to generate molecular surface plot files 
which enable the visualization of the cavities. Voidoo will detect voids and 
invaginations, but it cannot pick pockets, no pun intended :)2. In terms of 
measuring and displaying cavities, there are three particular modes:a. 
Vanderwaals cavity, where the cavity comprises the compliment of the 
Vanderwaals surface of the surrounding atoms.b. Probe-accessible cavity, where 
the cavity comprises all of the space that can be accessed by the center of the 
probe sphere.c. Probe-occupied cavity, where the cavity comprises all of the 
space that can be occupied by the probeNow to answer your question:The first 
step of the cavity detection algorithm is to map the target molecule onto a 
3-dimensional grid with a spacing (0.5 - 1 Angstrom). All of the grid points 
are initially assigned a value of zero. Every subsequent point of the grid 
whose distance to the nearest atom is less than the sum of the van der Waals 
radius of that atom and the probe radius, is assigned a value of 1. In order to 
exclude the outside world, all of the grid points on the faces of the grid are 
set to zero, and the outside world is "zapped".This method is also known as the 
"flood fill" algorithm. At the final stage, all grid points are inside a closed 
cavity and have a value of zero. Voidoo then checks if the cavity has been 
detected and will delineate the cavity to measure the volume. Then the process 
of "atomic flattening" is invoked, which entails multiplying the van der Waals 
radii of all atoms by a certain flattening factor. The program then goes 
through iterative rounds of atomic flattening to close off cavities which are 
in contact with the outside world, and separate cavities which are in contact 
with each other through small channels. The program will stop after the 
particular sought after cavity has been found. A detailed answer to your 
question can be found in the original resource that I sent in my first 
response:http://journals.iucr.org/d/issues/1994/02/00/gr0263/gr0263.pdfI hope 
this helps!lorenzoLorenzo Ihsan FInci, Ph.D.Postdoctoral Scientist, Wang 
LaboratoryHarvard Medical SchoolDana-Farber Cancer InstituteBoston, MA Peking 
UniversityThe College of Life SciencesBeijing, China

> Date: Fri, 10 Aug 2012 10:39:29 +0200
> From: danilo.belv...@ic.cnr.it
> To: lfi...@hotmail.com
> Subject: RE: [ccp4bb] calculation of cavities within crystal protein
>  Thanks you for your help Lorenzo.
>  VOIDOO seems to be the proper software for this calculation, and it is 
>  suggested by many people.
>  I am not an expert in this field! So, I would have only one thing to 
>  ask, because of a doubt arising from what I read in 
>  http://binf.gmu.edu/ttaylor/DELAUNAY_PAPERS/chakravarty1.pdf.
>  In the paper, VOIDOO is a "grid-based procedure that measures the 
>  cavity volume defined by the van der Waals surface of atoms lining the 
>  cavity"
>  Does this mean that van der Waals surfaces of a protein and the 
>  surrounding proteins are considered in the calculation?
>  I hope not too disturbing you.
>  Danilo
>  On Thu, 9 Aug 2012 10:05:19 -0400, "Dr. Lorenzo Finci" 
>  <lfi...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> > Danilo,
> >
> > The protein cavity can be analyzed utilizing the program Voidoo (
> > Kleywegt GJ, 1994). This program uses an atomic-flattening algorithm
> > based on a 3-dimensional grid to locate and delineate different
> > cavities. A Van Der Waals cavity can further be generated with a 
> > probe
> > radius with a computed cavity grid using the highest number of grid
> > points, and a contact and accessible surface can further be
> > evaluated...
> >
> > Relevant Resources:
> > 
> > http://pelican.rsvs.ulaval.ca/mediawiki/index.php/Analysing_protein_cavities_using_VOIDOO
> > http://binf.gmu.edu/ttaylor/DELAUNAY_PAPERS/chakravarty1.pdf
> >
> > I hope this helps!
> > lorenzo
> >
> > Lorenzo Ihsan FInci, Ph.D.
> > Postdoctoral Scientist, Wang Laboratory
> > Harvard Medical School
> > Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
> > Boston, MA
> > Peking University
> > The College of Life Sciences
> > Beijing, China
> >
> >> Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2012 13:53:09 +0200
> >> From: danilo.belv...@ic.cnr.it
> >> Subject: [ccp4bb] calculation of cavities within crystal protein
> >>
> >> Dear all,
> >>
> >> I am Dr. Danilo Belviso and I am working on a platinum-based
> > inhibitor
> >> for matrix-metallo proteasis.
> >>
> >> I have obtained the crystal structure of the adduct Pt/protein and,
> > for
> >> me, would be very interesting to know the cavities of the protein
> > within
> >> the crystal, namely by considering symmetry-related protein
> > molecules
> >> around the asymmetric unit.
> >>
> >> Do you know a software (or server) that carries out this
> > calculation?
> >>
> >> Best regards
> >>
> >> Dr. Danilo Belviso

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