What a great lady to have inspired so many, and to remind us how welcoming
the field of X-ray crystallography has been in general for women because of
people like Dr. Johnson, Dorothy Hodgkin, and Rosalind Franklin, and many

On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 12:03 PM, Gloria Borgstahl <gborgst...@gmail.com>wrote:

> This indeed is sad news for today.
> I just wanted to note that Professor Johnson's early papers on
> time-resolved crystallography truly inspired me to continue in
> crystallography, influenced my decision for my first postdoctoral position
> and to push the limits.  I still have the carefully highlighted photocopies
> (yes used a photocopier and a real bound journal in gradual school) in my
> filing cabinet next to my office.
> My condolences to those close to her and her family.  Gloria
> On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 6:40 AM, <elizabeth.d...@diamond.ac.uk> wrote:
>>  It is with great sadness that I would like to inform the
>> crystallographic community of the death of one of the great pioneers of the
>> field, Professor Dame Louise Johnson.****
>> ** **
>> Those of us who had the privilege to work alongside her benefitted
>> greatly from her vision for extending technique and instrumentation such
>> that increasingly complex problems could be successfully solved and found
>> her quiet determination to succeed inspirational. ****
>> ** **
>> Dr. Liz Duke****
>> Diamond Light Source****
>> Harwell Science and Innovation Campus****
>> Chilton, Didcot****
>> Oxon OX11 0DE****
>> UK****
>> ** **
>> Tel. +44 (0) 1235 778057****
>> Mob. +44 (0)7920 138148****
>> ** **
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