On Thu, 2012-11-22 at 13:52 +0000, Peter Keller wrote:

> (ii) Using iPlayer after the second broadcast has finished. Go to the
> programme page at <http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b01p0s9s> and click
> on the "Listen now" button on the left of the picture illustrating the
> programme. In principle this should become available within a few
> minutes of the end of the second broadcast (i.e. soon after 22:00 UK
> time), but sometimes there is a longer delay of up to an hour. It won't
> expire, so you can always listen on another day.

Whoops, sorry: that should be after the first broadcast has finished,
i.e. sometime after 09:45 UK time. The link is already there for this
morning's programme about the Borgia family at


Peter Keller                                     Tel.: +44 (0)1223 353033
Global Phasing Ltd.,                             Fax.: +44 (0)1223 366889
Sheraton House,
Castle Park,
Cambridge CB3 0AX
United Kingdom

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